Donate in the next 5 days and get an awesome t-shirt!

By Story of America Team

Dear friends, 

We’re more than half way to reaching our goal of raising $25,000 with ten days left of our campaign. We have $11,166 to go. To help us reach our goal, a talented artist and designer, Daniel Marquez, created this striking t-shirt for our supporters with the timely message, “Awaken the We the People Within.”  

Awaken-We-The-People-md.jpgIf you make a tax-deductible contribution of $100 or more by Jan. 31, we will send you a Story of America t-shirt (organic and Union-made) and list your name in the credits of the upcoming feature film. 

The feature film is shaping up to be my personal journey to regain hope for our country’s future in an era of deep division. It begins in 2008 with the optimism inspired by the Obama campaign and the fierce backlash that powered the Tea Party movement. I learned a great deal during my travels in the South, talking to Americans of all backgrounds including confederate war re-enactors, Bloody Sunday survivors, demonstrators arrested at Moral Monday protests, conservative politicians, and people trying to save their rural hospital in eastern North Carolina. 

They, like you, have helped me regain my sense of optimism about my adopted country. I’ve returned from this journey with new ideas about how we can become a stronger Union, “Awakening the We the People Within.”

I hope that you can support our work and help us contribute to the ongoing national dialogue about bridging the divide in our country. 

Thank you,

Annabel Park 

PS: Look for our new podcast series starting in February. Eric Byler and I will take turns narrating episodes.