What does it mean to be an American today? The United States is, in comparison to the majority of nations, very powerful and also very immature nation. This combination is a very dangerous one and can be likened to a teenager with the keys to their parent’s car; a whole lot of power and no […]
My name is Johnny Ben Tillman, I was born on June 30, 1965. My parents Norman Jearld Tillman (January12,1936 , deceased) and Ondia Mae Kent (April 15,1941) have 8 children, I am number 6. Were married June 12, 1958. Both families were in this country before it was a country. My father’s family
Our project aims to share your story through photos, videos and text. While much of our focus so far has been related to the elections, political division and voting issues — and we will certainly continue exploring these important issues — we are interested in other aspects of life and society
It took me a bit to figure out “what being an American means.” In my day to day life, my heart is in the American Indian (Indigenous American) community. That does not take away from my heart belonging to Korea and the Korean diaspora as well. When I think about my work and love in the
What does it mean to be an American today? Being American means living life to the fullest, being free to speak your mind and vote for whomever you chose, being proud of your country, and being accepting to anyone and everyone. In what ways are we divided as a country? We are divided based on
What does it mean to be an American today? In what ways are we divided as a country? Why do you think we are so divided? What unites us as a country? What unites us: The media which feeds us variations of one officially approved story. The isolation of living in a huge country that is […]
After reading about the Virginia election fraud arrest (a story broken by Ben Tribbett), we traveled to Harrisonburg, Virginia, to find the man who witnessed voter registration forms being discarded in a dumpster. This interview was recorded on Election Day 2012. If not for
I hate my life sometimes. If it is not for the fact I am so unable to forget the fact I went to Iraq. I didn’t fight, I never saw a lot of action in the sense of shooting a gun, but there was so much pressure and no one was on my side, not family, […]
The state of Virginia is investigating Nathan Sproul, a highly paid GOP operative, who’s been paid millions by the Republican National Committee and Karl Rove. His employee, Colin Small, was arrested for throwing out registration forms in Harrisonburg, Virginia. On top of that, Karl Rove’s
Are the stories about “voter fraud” seen in conservative media outlets based on actual cases of fraud, or speculation of what could occur if a large number of individuals decided to try to vote more than once? Are organizations like Tea Party affiliated True the Vote and Virginia Voters